The Healthy Garden Podcast, with Randy Ritchie. Where soil is important and growing a healthier world is job #1! As an industry insider, Randy takes us on a journey across the landscape of gardening. The Healthy Garden Podcast topics range from the truth about organics, to how to make compost tea, how GMO’s get into your soil, how to fix your clay soil, organic rose care, growing healthy nutrient dense food, and why he hasn’t sprayed a pesticide or an herbicide in over 25 years. Health is Wealth! It’s time to take our Gardens back from the Big Chemical companies that control the world of gardening. The Healthy Garden Podcast will help you take your sacred spaces back with history, insight, wit, humor and great music.

Sunday Sep 01, 2019
#4 Organic Gardening Part 2
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
What is the most important part of any organic gardeners garden? Where do the worms come from? Why are worms in some gardens and not in others? What makes compost smell like Earth? We answer these questions and more in this Part 2 of our Organic Gardening series.

Monday Aug 26, 2019
#3 Organic Gardening Part 1
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Are you growing organic food? How do you know? What makes organic, organic? Do you have healthy soil? What makes a healthy garden? Who controls the organic labeling? Have you ever heard about organic protocols? All this and more on Part 1 of our Organic Gardening series.

Sunday Aug 18, 2019
#2 The Soil Medium Episode
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
#2 The Soil Medium Episode: Where did potting soil come from? Who invented it? Do we even need it today? How does it impact our environment? What's the difference between a planting mix and a potting soil? These and more questions on Soil will be answered in this podcast episode.